Monday, July 06, 2009

peaks and valleys

July 6th 2009

Looking back at these journal entries its funny how much time adds up in such a short amount of words and description. Memories are shuffled away and rekindled with a sentence that brings us back to a moment from the past. This journal / blog have been a roller coaster ride of memories that have been both positive and negative. I’ve reached that valley once again with an upswing that I hope to begin right away as we continue into the summer. Let me get you up to speed of the last few months first…

Since my last entry I mentioned that I was on my way once again to WMC in Miami to enjoy some of the sun and fun as well as have a light workload of footage gathering for the film. This did take place and I truly did have a great time with my wife and two of our close friends who came down and met up with us for a few days. I met a new list of contacts, got some great interviews, and added to the site in terms of the talent roster. The trip was a success and this was a very positive experience. The site was just updated for our summer edition and I’m happy to say you’ll find some great new mixes and talent that we managed to meet while we were in South Beach. The NYC scene became the featured sound this month with d-jays such as Cevin Fisher, Lenny Fontana, and Hector Romero as they added some pod cast material for you the network. These contagious beats became a great addition to my I-pod and hopefully you’ll take advantage and make them part of yours!

After Miami I got back with a plan for the film and with the help of my beautiful wife and my editing team, the plan was set in motion to lock down a completion grant to pull this project over the finish line. Several dates were coming up for grants but the one we had our eye on was at the end of May. It was a lot of work in a short period of time but we felt that if we pushed it we could make it happen. Everything began with delay, as it always tends to do when you’re in a rush, but we got through the paperwork and waited on letters and material from others to fill out the package. These grants can be an unbelievable process of crazy government forms, budgets that have to be thought out to the penny, and loads of writing and visual material to support an idea you feel you’re the only one who truly believes in. This process is something I don’t wish upon anybody. I mean it can be something that almost crushes your dreams in a sense. All this work, all this material, could mean nothing to a board who decides the fate of your project. They don’t care that I’ve mortgaged my life and my wife’s on a passion that at this point in the process has become more of a nightmare. My wallet is empty along with my bank account… I work to live and finish a passion project that hasn’t gotten financial support yet. I still have a big hill to climb but something keeps telling me to go. This grant would be the life line I need and a group of people I never get to meet in person get to decide my future… What’s not to love!

As the date approached for the grant we were in rough shape. The new trailer that was planned was way behind and it didn’t look good in terms of the deadline. The real nail in the coffin happened just after when we found out that they changed some of the stipulations two weeks before the deadline. The marketing partners component changed we were dead in the water because we needed more time to fix this problem. Set back number 1005 had happened but hey fuck it, I’m not quitting. New dates, new goals, most of the work is already done for the proposal, it’s only a matter of time we have all our ducks in a row. In the meantime I have stuff to work on with this project in order to move it forward. The lack of a team creates roadblocks but it’s learning curve they I get taught everyday. It’s very frustrating but it comes with the territory when you’re trying to achieve any dream you set for yourself. I will win the war!!

Beyond our grant troubles I feel I’ve been making the best of the situation and been able to push our GGN brand forward by planning some events. Our first big party is coming up in a couple of weeks in the shape of a boat cruise! I’ve always wanted to throw this kind of party and I think we should have a good one if all goes well! We’ve booked Fred Everything, Hatiras, and Cam Maxwell for a past to present retrospect of house music for the masses. Along with my partners on this event,, I’ve put a lot of effort in to securing some great promoters and getting involved with some great people in order to have a successful event. It’s not about the money on this one… as long as we break even and execute a great event I’m relaxed. This is about getting the GGN name out there to my home town crowd. I want to throw maybe 3 events a year but make them unique and memorable. The cruise will be deep and dirty with some nostalgia to boot in the music being blasted! I can’t wait!! I plan on recording the mixes and making them into pod casts so stay tuned!!!

For more details on the event please check out:

The summer continues and that means you need some new music! The new update has been done and we have lots of great new mixes from some amazing d-jays from all over the world!!! Load up your I-pod, take a peak at some of our new videos, and hopefully if your in the Toronto area you might be able to find some time to join us on the high seas in July!

Until the next update! Are you listening?