Thursday, January 10, 2008

The new year has begun...

January 9th

This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life… as always this seems to be the title of my story every time January comes around. Why is it that we always need that official starting point in order to keep our lives in check and with purpose? I’ve always wondered why it has to be defined in the starter month to a new year. Shouldn’t we look at everyday as that starting point? That is the philosophy I want to uphold this year… each day has it’s own adventure and after a relaxing holiday and a crazy couple of months to end my 2007, it’s time to maximize the year that will truly define my dreams realizing their full fruition.

Let me recap for you the chaos that is my life and the passion that I’ve given birth to, GGN. With every dream you have to dissect it into many levels and challenges. I’m approaching the two year mark in March on the original execution of conception of my documentary and the ride has been nothing but amazing, stressful, enlightening, heart-breaking, and eventful. Everything you can imagine of pursuing a dream in full gear has happened on this journey of discovery for me, including the highlight last year, meeting my soul mate and marrying her. The electronic music culture has opened its doors to me and allowed me to capture the message of family and connection we feel when we let music speak to us. The excitement that I’ve witnessed and have been fortunate enough to create with my reunion and parties has had an affect on me. You carry around an idea that you hope will connect with people and as 2007 wound down I could honestly say that message has begun reaching the masses. With the use of the internet, support from friends, the artists, and participants within the scene, GGN is becoming a new staple in the global electronic community. I thank you for this on going support and please spread the word… this is more then a brand, it’s a movement.

Now to get you up to speed of the closing months of 2007 let me start off by saying this was the most exciting of the shoot thus far. The reunion of my old crew had had many false starts throughout the year and a couple of moments I had my doubts that we would be able to pull this off. My friends were scattered throughout Canada and the United States and by some miracle I was able to track down and run into each one of them through fate and pure coincidence. The date was set November 30th at This Is London in Toronto with one of the talents that defined our dance floor antics, DJ Dan. The stage was set for everyone to meet at my place for dinner and drinks for the first time at 7pm that day and as I woke up in the morning to go pick up DJ Dan from the airport, it all began to sink in with anticipation. This reunion was two years in the making and like any dream; it never feels real until the day of. I was excited, nervous, and impatient for the night to begin. Would everyone get along still? Would the spirit of this separated family find its home again? The answers were only hours away from being addressed…

The clock struck 7pm and the doorbell starting ringing… The group: Mike, Chad, Grant, Eric, Sol, and Richie strolled in through out the first hour as I prepared dinner and all I can say is it was business as usual! Without missing a step this group of individuals gelled together like the old days with a little more life experience and wisdom guiding each one of their lighthouses. As the night carried on, the group reconnected and as we sat I just took in the moment. It was truly amazing and memorable… for now it’s my memory and that’s all I want to share. I have several more months to keep this personal which I’m excited about. When I’m ready to share more with you on this you will be the first to know… the film is winding down with the shooting and now were pushing forward in the editing department. This is the next phase in my journey with other minor chapters to capture for the story… I can’t help but get misty eyed as this gets closer.

I promise more frequent updates and thoughts as the winter month’s move forward. That new chapter I’ve started demands it! In the meantime hit the site and experience the journey and spirit of this movement in a more intimate and revealing setting… I promise it has that power to change you through it’s music and message if you let it.

Until we meet again… GGN is on the air! Are you listening?